.. FlippyDrive documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed May 15 22:51:02 2024. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. FlippyDrive Documentation ========================= The FlippyDrive is a solderless optical drive emulator for the GameCube, designed so you can keep your OEM drive installed and use both. .. image:: _static/4X1A7535.jpg :width: 100% .. .. admonition:: Having Trouble? :class: hint Check out the :doc:`troubleshooting` section .. admonition:: Just got your FlippyDrive? :class: hint Check for the latest software info at `https://teamoffbroadway.com/category/updates/fd-software/ `_ Major Features ============== - :doc:`No-solder internal install ` into the original Disc Drive slot - Load games from µSD Card - Experimental loading over :doc:`Wi-Fi ` (RPi / PC / NAS) - No software patching required (games can run stock) - Preinstalled `cubeboot `_ menu patcher - Keep your original disc drive installed and :ref:`play physical discs ` - Software updates via :ref:`SD card ` or :ref:`USB drag-and-drop/brick recovery ` .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: installation usage configuration compatibility troubleshooting network mods developer