Configuration Files

The FlippyDrive and cubeboot can be configured using a configuration file. The configuration file is a simple ini file with sections.

Configuration File Format

The configuration file is a simple ini file with sections. The sections are used to group the configuration options.

Create an text file on the root of your SD card called config.ini. The file should look similar to the example in the following section. Note that the settings file must include the [<name>] section headers for the settings to take effect.

Example Configuration file:

# Default boot mode, options are "normal" and "bypass"
# Setting "bypass" will always boot from the disc drive unless X is held down,
# at which point you can choose cubeboot, swiss, etc.
boot_mode = normal

# Cube color - Supports RGB hex colors aka websafe colors
# comment out/remove the whole line to use the original color
# Setting "random" shows a random color
cube_color = 660089

# Enable booting through Swiss for all games
force_swiss_default = 0

# Force progressive scan inside the IPL menu
force_progressive = 0

# Disable MemCard PRO GC Support
disable_mcp_select = 0

# Used for waiting for GCVideo to initialize
preboot_delay_ms = 0

# Delays loading after the boot logo
# to mimic the load times you would usually experience when booting a disc
# postboot_delay_ms = 3000

# All network features require a server to be set and running the FlippyDrive app
# WiFi connections also require a ssid and password

# Sets the network interface as the default disc device (active is 1)
# cubeboot can use other network features regardless of setting
is_default = 0

# Server IP address, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format. Port is 7031
server =

# SSID of your network
ssid = FBIWhiteVan

# Network key
password = JEdgarHooverDidNothingWrong